
El césped más lujoso de nuestra gama.

Nuestro producto Premium Armada mantiene su lugar en nuestra gama desde hace años. Gracias a la alta calidad de su hilo, los frescos hilos verdes y los rizos beige quemados por el sol, ha demostrado su calidad y se ha ganado la confianza de sus usuarios. Las propiedades de los hilos en forma de C, conocidos como resistentes, evitan los enredos y el apelmazamiento y garantizan una sensación de suavidad. Es la elección correcta para un aspecto lujoso. Mientras mantiene su suavidad, no compromete su durabilidad. Por lo tanto, puede preferir este césped artificial en todas las condiciones climáticas.

Certificado de Calidad

Polímeros de alta calidad

Alta resistencia a los rayos ultravioleta

Respeta los estándares ecológicos

Resistente al clima

Alta resistencia

Características del producto :

Uso principal: Decoración y zona ajardinada.

Tipo de hebra: 8000+ 5300PE

Altura del hilo: 30 mm – 60 mm

Calibre: 3/8 «

Puntadas: 12-20

Estabilidad UV: 8 años.


Apariencia Natural

Un césped artificial indistinguible de la realidad

Alta calidad y rentabilidad

Soluciones de césped artificial de alta calidad y buena relación calidad-precio

Movimentos Consistentes de la pelota

Proporciona un balanceo y un rebote constantes de la pelota.

Resistente a los rayos ultravioleta

Proporciona protección del color del césped contra la luz solar directa.

Siempre listo para jugar

Apto para todas las condiciones climáticas.

Fácil de limpiar y mantener

El césped artificial es más fácil de mantener que el césped natural

Recommended Products

Landscape Artificial Grass


  • Uso principal: Decoración y zona ajardinada.
  • Tipo de hebra: 6700PE + 3300 PP
  • Altura del hilo: 30mm-50mm
  • Calibre: 3/8”
  • Estabilidad UV: 7 years
Landscape Artificial Grass


  • Uso principal: Decoración y zona ajardinada.
  • Tipo de hebra: 4200PE + 3300 PP
  • Altura del hilo: 20mm-50mm
  • Calibre: 3/8”
  • Estabilidad UV: 7 years


Artificial grass price has a vast price range and you may encounter different prices on artificial turf. Every product has distinctive features and there are many reasons that effects price in artificial turf. The most important factoris the quality of the yarn used. Also weaving density, pile size and filling materials used in the application greatly change the price. Although it is possible to find ridiculously cheap Chinese artificial turf in the market, it is actually not very profitable because of negative outcomes such as the less product life, poor quality look and weak durability materials.
To buy the best quality at a reasonable price please contact Turkey leading Artificial Grass Manufacturer company Ilke Sport.

Synthetic grass is an alternative to natural grass. Artificial grass is made of petroleum. Synthetic turf is developed after scientific searches in order to eliminate disadvantages of natural lawn. There are two main chemical materials used in artificial grass. Polyethylene is used for softness and Polypropylene is commonly used for durability. Apart from sports areas, it is used today for the decorative purpose from gardens, terraces, cafes, and many areas have entered our lives.

Artificial turf can provide up to 10 years of low maintenance product life depending on the volume of traffic in the area. When you consider no mowing, watering and chemicals, it is clear that artificial grass is a quite profitable investment in long term.

Artificial Turf grasses are by far the most popular ground cover in residential landscapes.

Unfortunately, you cannot put artificial turf directly on the ground. Before the artificial turf is laid, the ground should be leveled and the water drainage channels should be laid considering the precipitation in your territory.

The simplest way is to prepare water with white vinegar and apply it to artificial turf with pressure. So that it will be smell good and have a hygienic cleaning.

In some cases, especially weeds may grow on the artificial grass borders and at some points, depending on the nature of the artificial turf filling material. However, it is very easy to clean as they cannot root in the filling material. Also laying a geotextile underneath the artificial grass will help to avoid weeds.

As with natural grass, dogs can urinate or defecate on artificial grass. In artificial turf, the urine flows like rainwater and does not cause any problems. When it comes to defecation, you just need to clean it.